Drashti Bheda



+2 342 5446 67



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The genius behind Drashti,

An artist justifies the quote, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford. The way an artist visualizes something results purely in something beautiful in the form of any output. Drashti, a Mumbaikar, was born an artist, at the young age of 5 she got into fine arts and is now a popular artist, in the immensely imaginative world of art & craft.
The first step is always the drawing book in school. Everybody had one! But Drashti’s book wasn’t like any other and it went from drawing on A4 -sized pages to canvases. She stepped up to painting, then sketching. Who says drawing is only graphical? Even beautifully written lines are considered artistic! Drashti is also flawless with putting words on a page with her extraordinary calligraphy skills. She’s always looking to add calligraphy to each of her students’ hobbies, so that the parents are free from the worry about their kids’ handwriting improvement. Another craft Drashti has mastered is wall painting, she can turn walls into paintings! Yes, you read that right. Who said you need a canvas and blank papers for art? Even a wall works!
With 8 long years of experience in this sector, Drashti has been successful in enrolling 7000+ students in her art class from across the globe! The stepping stone was a drawing class, and then painting, sketching, calligraphy and there’s no end… Drashti believes, art is like the sky, endless and beautiful…
Drashti will give you a platform to quench the thirst of art you have in yourself and will keep you glued to it, just like Rob did in Art Attack on Pogo channel! Remember?
Carry your brushes, box of colours, your favourite colour palette, and meet Drashti to start your art journey!

Family Support
Children's Well-being

  • DOB
  • Education
    Music School of Music Arts
  • Experience
    10 years

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